Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why is democracy only good for the West & bad for the rest of the world when its not beneficial to the West?

Take Egypt for instance, why is it ok for Egypt, the rest of the Middle East, and Africa to have dictators that do the bidding of the West while they are economically and socially oppressive to their own people? We Americans say that we are for democracy yet we continue to silently finance and arm brutal thieving dictatorships all over the world. Technically we should not care if South Korea is over ridden by North Korea. What is the difference between Koreans and Egyptians, they are both countries filled with people who only want to live productive lives. Is it that we believe that non-Western countries don't deserve to live productive lives, especially if their freedom will prevents us from getting cheap oil, cheap food, and cheap manufactured goods? Why don't we see how insulting this is to the non-Westerners World?

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