Saturday, August 13, 2011

Should there be a law? if a family member marries a reg. (child) offender, they notify their family.?

I have been molested, about 17 yrs ago. I just found out that my aunts husband of 9 yrs. is a offender. without the gory details he d a 14 yr he had authority over. It has been 22yrs since his crime. I have two little children of my own. My aunt was okay with me bringing my children to her home and allowing her husband to be around my children. They even spent the night once, before i found this out. She kept his crime from the entire family. I think that is BS. I would love to make this a law that if you choose to marry a offender, of children, that you have to tell your family if they have children and they come in contact with him. what do you think? and what do i have to do to make it a law?

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