Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do I get my pool clean?

It has been a week since we opened it and it is no longer that dark, nasty green. Now it is a light green, but it is still so cloudy that we can't even see the bottom of the shallow end (only 3.5ft)! We have put all kinds of shock, algaecide, and Ph increaser in it, but all the chemicals just seem to create a layer of foam on top of the pool. We have been vacuuming, backwashing, and emptying both filters (one in the skimmer and one in near the pump, presumably to catch what is vacuumed up) regularly. Please help us!

Am I overreacting or is this trade really uneven?

Best way to decide is to look at the rosters of the guys trying to make the deal. if it looks as though one guy is loading up and the other is positon gutted it is a sham deal but if the positional needs of each fit the guys involved i am not sure this is as lopsided as it might appear. The 2 catchers are a lot closer in numbers than people think (Mauer gets the ink, Hernandez should also, his numbers are dominating as well). Hafner is an outstanding hitter who will likely land on the DL at some point so in the end Francoeur might have comparable numbers (Hafner will hit for a much better ave. but the rest of the numbers are close). Compare Wright and Suzuki and what you end up with is sacrificing SB for power, the rest of the numbers again are comparable. Guillen (provided the health remains) is a 20/20, .300 hitter and at least for now is a better fantasy option that Shields but dont underestimate how good Shields is (check his K/BB per inning...a great indicator of how he will do overall). Like I said if the position needs make sense for each guy this is a pretty even overall just need to look past the Top 50 draft slots (but i understand how easy it is to notice that part).

Ladies: Met this cute girl at a store but what to do!?

It is hard to know what she is thinking but she sure does sound like she is interested, why not go back to the shoe store and ask her out for a coffee and see where that leads??

Does the American Dream still exist ?

This is a question wholly contingent upon your definition of the "American Dream." If you are talking about the basics like having a well paying job, good education, and normal standards of basic living and needs then yes- I think everyone regardless of race, , age, what have you, have the opportunity to make this come true. I think the disparity here generates from a misconception of the american dream. The opportunity is greater here than anywhere in the world to really make something of yourself. Regardless of your background, if you have enough general intelligence and will power, then you can receive a solid education, well paying job, etc, if you put the effort forth. Lazy people will rarely accomplish anything worth while, they can complain all they want, they just make it easier for those of us who actually try to push farther ahead toward our goals and dreams.

Question to ALL religious and or spiritual people (Atheists to if they want)?

Seniority,Seniority,Seniority. If somebodies been in the God business for thousands of years it's a good thing to honor them even if you are of the same ilk. They know all the tricks of the trade and the relationship should be as like a tutor to student, guru to chela, mentor to unmentored, king to prince.

Good movie plot? its long needs work.......?

KNOW THIS IS LONG BUT PLEASE READ, I want to send this in to a movie producer as a suggestion for a movie! TITLE: CONCAVE, A Huge Meteor is heading for earth and there’s no way to stop it.< that’s the first plot but listen! NOW HERE IS THE MID-PLOT: Now the government must enact project safe-house, the people of the world do not yet know what danger is upon them (project safe-house is an underground city created by the government to for such a situation) the people of the world do not yet know what danger is upon them... the movie starts following the life of a middle aged man and his family (make the audience love his family) the government has been studying every human in the united states and the world under the patriot act. This study has revealed who is best for a survival situation and who is to be chosen to habitat the safe-house. ( in the movie make it seem like everyday activates are recorded by the government and even skin samples and stuff are obtained covertly by the government in igneous ways from people who they think may be "marked for survival" and the activates of the person are recorded and followed indefinably after a positive marked for survival human is found even if they are only 2 years old) if a person doesnt seem like a good survival rate at birth (the goverment test every newborn at the hospital secretly) they are no longer tracked, after a lifetime of the government following and sampling the middle aged mans skin samples and other samples left behind by like a soda can in the mall garbage or a hair brush at the salon, his DNA the government is sure that this man is one that is "marked for survival". A CIA operative knocks on the man’s door one morning and tells him that he must come with them at once! he goes, they take him to the secret floor of the pentagon ( where thousands of other people who have been chosen are, they brief the man about the whole situation and tell him that only humans that have certain genes are allowed to survive because of the high survival rate these genes happen to have, they tell him that only his kids can come and his wife does not have the genes, the kids were not marked for survival! meanwhile ( sometime later) the meteor hits the moon!, SCENE 1 two high school kids are making out in the car and watching the moon when they see it start to crack and crumble, SCENE 2 an old lady is taking out the garbage and is oblivious to the moon breaking apart right behind her. SCENE 3 (10 minutes later) boom! Its night time in NY the sound wave hits the earth! Everyone is waken up from their sleep and wonder what that noise was, it was loud! Cars alarms are going off and the people who just woke join the crowd that has formed as the moon started to break. The moon is in two pieces and is slowly (barley noticeable) floating toward earth, and sanity on earth is giving out. action scenes include: days later, floods, earthquakes, confused birds and animals, earth no longer rotating around the sun, huge tides ( because of no moon tide), people and things start to float, earth slows down spinning. next the half of the moon gets closer to the earth and you can see the craters on the moon its so close to hitting the earth.. The moon breaks through the atmosphere and a collision is near. The clouds part as the half of the moon heads for NY. The middle aged man must save his wife and get to the safe-house before its too late. The middle of the movie and the love story and all is up to you: ) lastly the earth really is damaged and the safe-house is protected....

Are there kangaroo crossing signs in america?

Years ago my family and I were on a road trip through out america. I am positive that we ped by a kangaroo crossing sign, but no one believes me. Does anyone know anything about a sign actually existing? (a picture would be the best)

I got a 217 on my PSAT - Is that a good score?

I am a junior in Texas. What does this mean I am likely to get on the SAT? Do I have a good chance at qualifying winning a National Merit Scholarship with this score?

Which 2 out of the 3 RB's should I start?

Stick with Hillis and MJD. Saying an NFL team will have 8 or 9 in the box is ridiculous though, and if they actually do that, you should still eventually see some points as NFL coordinators will change that very quickly by their strategic play calling.

Does MC Hammer still preach?

I'm trying to figure out if, and where MC Hammer preaches. I know he lives in Tracy, CA, so it's probably one of the churches around there. Please only answer if you have useful advice. Thanks!!


You are in an abusive relationship. He is verbally abusing you and being very controlling. This is not healthy, even if you love him you should get out of this relationship.

What do you think about saddam hussein ?

before the war on Iraq what you thought about him and now since there are no nuclear weapons and he is dead now did you change your opinion ? feel free to say everything and anything .i need to know

Hes so mad at me?

hey- ok basically i have this friend who completely depends on me, and yea i depend on him also. 4 everything- like we always can trust each other with stuff we cant trust anyone else with. anywyas, he just broke up with his girlfriend and he asked me to be honest with him abt what i thoguht, so i told him i thought he was using her, which is tru. he got so mad, even tho he asked 4 honesty. i need him so much, and i dont kno who he's tlakin 2 now, or if he's keeping e/t inside. wut shud i do? i dont wanna apologize b/c i didnt do anything wrong!!

Need 3 keepers. Options:Adrian Peterson,Joe Flacco,Greg Jennings,Jermicheal Finely,Johnny Knox,Brandon Jacobs.?

Also Ahmad Bradshaw, Micheal Crabtree. Im in a standard ESPN 12 person league.6 points for TDs. Everyone keeps 3 players. Im drafting #8 in a snake draft. Its a non PPR. Im thinking the 1st three. Then target a RB with my first pick, then a WR or best available. Thanks for the answers and ideas.

What things do Democrats and Republicans agree on?

I'm not sure what your question is exactly, but Bloomberg wants a change in the law to allow him to run for a third term as mayor of New York City. The debate is whether this law can be changed by the city council (which did approve the change) or if it must be changed by a voter referendum.

Did Jesus ever go to hell?

the bible says at Acts 2:25-27 David speaketh concerning him {Jesus} ... Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell. neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption so is it true that God put Jesus in hell and did he leave him in there for a little while? and if he did then why do people fear hell

Could you please give me feedback on my english short story?

It seems you have run out of room. I heard there are websites where you post your literature and get feedback from other members. They probably have more room for posting.

How can I get my fig tree to start growing?

I am about to move and I have a beautiful fig tree in the yard where I am living at now. I cut a piece off of it and put some root hormone on the end and put in the soil like the man at the nursery told me to do, but the leaves are dying, and I really would like a part of this tree before I move. My grandmother started this tree with just a clipping when I was 23 and now I am 38 and we are still eating off of this tree.

Out of curiousity...?

You look to me to be about 16 and I think you are beautiful. You look really healthy and clean. Because your eyes look bright and clear, your teeth are straight and white, your hair looks very shiny and your skin has that youthful, open pores look to it . Good for you!

How much would you pay for this...(Dell Inspion)?

$1100 is alright for it, it has really good specifications but just needs another Gb of ram to top it off.

Why is democracy only good for the West & bad for the rest of the world when its not beneficial to the West?

Take Egypt for instance, why is it ok for Egypt, the rest of the Middle East, and Africa to have dictators that do the bidding of the West while they are economically and socially oppressive to their own people? We Americans say that we are for democracy yet we continue to silently finance and arm brutal thieving dictatorships all over the world. Technically we should not care if South Korea is over ridden by North Korea. What is the difference between Koreans and Egyptians, they are both countries filled with people who only want to live productive lives. Is it that we believe that non-Western countries don't deserve to live productive lives, especially if their freedom will prevents us from getting cheap oil, cheap food, and cheap manufactured goods? Why don't we see how insulting this is to the non-Westerners World?

If the gitmo terrorist are going to get constitutional protection?

will anything be admissible since we did not read them their miranda rights? ksm asked for a lawyer and did not get one, right? so will any evidence be admissible to get these guys put in jail. and god forbid we have an OJ moment, after all, the prosecutors had a slam dunk case there. thoughts.

Rat names?????????? please help!?

Please give me LOTS! I like sort of the cute names, for example: skittles. And don't give me person names for my rats like rosie, miley, emily. I do not like those type of names for animals. Plus my two rats are females (if it helps... It probably does!) :)

Middle School Dance Songs?

Hey I was asked to sing at my farewell middle school dance. I'd like to do an upbeat song to get people dancing...any suggestions please?

Why did my siamese kittens do this?

4 years ago I got two siamese kittens, one boy and a girl. Well I got them at 7 weeks and they were eating solid food. But the strange thing is that they would suck on their and each others bellies the same way they would nurse off their mom. Why? Did I get them too early? Or is it just like a baby having a pacifier?

Where can i find bbc tv doentaries from 1976?

i'm looking for a programme that featured my grandad .harold mickelthwaite..he was a train driver on the annesley line..and the programme was about train drivers .

First love - missed connections?

Yes, I would meet him. Since I don't love him anymore, I don't think this would cause any problems. I'd just be interested what became of him.

What do you think it means?

today afterschool this guy who i know asked me what i thought about one of his friends. so i said "did he ask you to ask me or something?" and he was llike no i just wanna know. then later he asked me what i did this weekend and i told him my friend slept over and he was like did you guys hook up? and i was like was just a normal sleepover because me and my friend are both girls....hmmmm. so what do you think this means?

I love movies about personal triumph?

Like "Erin Brockovich" "Legally Blonde" and "An Officer and a Gentleman." Can anyone name anymore comedy/dramas along this line?

NASCAR Nation: What tracks have you......? (3-Part Ques.)?

Ive been to Texas a number of times to the Nationwide, Cup and truck series races. I have also been to Bristol in 2004 where Kurt Busch won but at the time Rusty Wallace was my favorite.

How can I protect my Lilac plants?

I have a small garden with a variety of plants. They are all doing great except my lilac bushes, which are getting eaten alive. Everything I've read says that Lilacs don't have "pests", but I've seen the shiny flies, black flying creatures and tan bugs eating my lilac plants. I've tried a plant soap spray, but that doesn't deter them. Any ideas?!

Cons /Repubs what do you have to say about the innocent Muslims who died at ground zero?

Don't lump all Republicans/Conservatives in the same category. I'm conservative but I don't care if the mosque is built near ground zero or not. And btw, there are LOTS of liberals/democrats who are against the construction of the mosque.

What do you think of the name Sialeeds, for a girl?

It's an interesting idea. I especially like the nickname. I think my fave would be Sialeeds "Sia" Isabella.

If diamond is the strongest natural substance, how can it be improved and/or made into an alloy?

I know it sounds crazy, but I've bin pondering the idea for a while now for an upcoming fictional novel i want to write; but i also want to be as accurate as i can. From what i understand, diamond is the strongest natural substance on top of durable. And can withstand grate deals of punishment by both time and Earths constant anticlimactic changes, but it isn't invincible. So what i want to know is how can its longevity and strength can be improved when it is also already part of the best our earth has to offer? And how may i write about it in a form that resembles metal or an alloy, that seems believable? I look forward to your answers!

Update - miscarriage adn Ectopic?

heya honey, just wanted to say i am thinking of you at this sad time. it breaks my heart to see what you and Ant have been thru. Dont give up. lots of love honey xxxxxxxxx

What are my chances at Brown University?

Well you have a decent chance, as your SAT score is very high for brown, but make your personal statement great.

China is sending us tainted toys for our children, poisonous drugs, are stealing our military secrets ......?

What in the World are our Government and corporations doing to us? How do these people sleep at night? But we keep them in office.

Pics to Ex Questions?

My husband was going through some pics on his phone... He was trying to show me the Nude Pics that he'd forgot to send me. They were pics that he gets from his male buddies. But anyways... I saw that 3 that were sent to his EX (Children's Mother). He must have thought he had deleted.. He was going soooo fast. So I asked him.. I was like "You sent one to XYZ" First he said nah, it was by mistake. Then he later switched up and said he send them to her all the time. So I asked "What does she say when she gets them" He says nothing... She hates them and he does it to spite her... I said you must think I'm the dumbest person on EARTH. I feel some type of way because I believe I should be the only one he should be sharing that with. It might be selfish but HEY! Now, likewise... If it was the other way around and I'm exchanges nude ual position pics... It would be a problem. I personally wouldn't be sending ual pics to someone I'm not on that level with. Now if your're trying to rekindle something then I can see it. Maybe, I missing something... I doubt it. Is this out of pocket or is it not?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

HELP!! Allergic to fabric softener?

It's odd that the swelling is just on your face, since fabric softener would be in all the clothing on your body and there are much more sensitive areas of skin in close contact with those. Benadryl helps calm an allergic reaction, but it's not always able to control it all and make it go away entirely. Especially if you are still coming into contact with whatever set it off to start with. It may be the softener, but it could also be a combo of chemicals that you apply to your face. Although you may buy the same brand each time, the makers can and do often change formulations slightly without having to advertise the fact. Since you have used it again and not had the facial swelling, I think this may have been the problem. However, until the rash is gone it's best if you stick with non-allergenic type products entirely, and try to avoid putting anything on the skin at all. The Benadryl can help with the itch, but it can't stop the immune system entirely. To be safest, you probably should not use the fabric softener again either. It may take a week or more for the immune system to settle down again, and then the skin has to heal the rashed, damaged skin on it's own. For that, I would suggest vitamin E oil. It will help replace the lost oils in the damaged skin and help with the itch, and help with healing. You can also soak a handful of plain oatmeal in cool water, and then pat that on your face to help with the itch as well. That you can use as much and as often as you like.

Is 205 a good PSAT score for a sopre?

That's a great PSAT score! It's very close to the National Merit qualifying score, and you have a whole year to improve. Those are good, solid SAT scores too. As for colleges, you're definitely going to get into a good school. But once you start applying to Ivies, there's no telling whether you would get in. Make sure you are taking the most challenging cles your school offers (APs, etc) and keep up your extracurriculars!

Is it possible to make a necklace waterproof?

This dosent work for all metals, but sometimes applying a clear coat of nail polish keeps it from water and rust damage. I hope it works out ;)

What do you think of this...?

When I was 13 me and six of my friends were playing out in the street, it was just us out in the street. One of the boys dared my friend Tracy to show her in front of us all, and she done it, for about 3 seconds, she was 13 as well, What do you think of this?

Learning Switch and nollie?

first question..... practice on your's all about tha timing...obviously you already know how to do them normal so you don't need help on the mechanics.....second have to get more speed than usual and not try to go forward... try to stay over your board like as if you weren't even moving. and obviously you want to do the nollie or fakie trick a half a second or so before you would do the normal trick because your back of your board is lifting up first instead of your front.

Liberals, what are your thoughts on these quotes?

I'm somewhat of a left-leaning libertarian and I agree with all those statements. You'd be surprised how many liberals would also agree, including many I know. Pure democracy can never last because it is subject to the whims of the mes. A democratic constitutional republic such as ours protects the rights of the minority against those whims. And guns are awesome.

What is my genotype for eye color?

Inheritance of eye color is not a simple dominant or recessive trait but is controlled by multiple genes. As a rule darker eye colors are dominant to lighter colored eyes. From the information provided, you are likely to be heterozygous for brown eye color. You can not be sure what the genotype is.

Is there a way to make a zippered hoodie longer in length?

probably nt a good idea to dry it into the dryer..but i would suggest to let it hang dry..and still verry humid it will tend to pull down and dry that way..aldo..if its already small..u should have it made at a place where they fix your clothes..Have them add a similar colored piece at the bottom of your hoody..and have them change the zipper..Thats all i cn say..

Help in dealing with landlords insurance ?

I'm sure the insurance cover will stipulate exactly what can be offered, so alternative accommodation is what they've offered. I've checked my insurance policy for buy to let as a landlord and to be honest, I don't think they would consider anything that swayed from what it says. I understand what you are saying, but I don't know how you can get around it.

What is value of a Marlin Golden 39A 22 cal rifle.?

I believe it is NIB and never fired. It has the inscription "Original Golden 39A" on left side of BBL. It was part of a collection of a friends father in law, purchased probably in the late 70's or early 80's. It does not have the gold trigger common with today's models. SN is 1826xxxx.

How old do you have to be to start your own business?

I'm 16 years old and looking to start a business. I've been looking online and licenses and permits, but currently wondering if I have wasted time looking into equipment and permits when I may be too young. The business I was looking at was selling a product online (Starting a online shop). Do I need permits to start an online shop such as business license, trademark, copyright, registering the business, etc.. Also if I was able to start an online shop, could I also offline at places like a flea market and craft shows. Any Information will help. Thanks!

Should I convert to Catholicism?

I agree with Catholicism greatly, even more so than the church I go to now, which is a Baptist church. I have always had an interest in Catholicism, but didn't really know if I should convert. My close family will have no issues with it, but my grandparents and uncle will be a little upset. I know ultimately God will lead me to the right path, but what are some good reasons to convert?

How to feed my flame dwarf gourami and catfish?

Since they are new to your tank they probably won't eat the first time you feed them. You were right to scoop out the flakes after a few minutes. If you left them it would have made the water dirtier. I have a fish that I bought a week ago and still doesn't eat very much so just give it some time. Sorry but I don't know about the catfish.

I'm thinking of trying certain types of Alternative Medicines?

I've tried all of them- all very healthy. Acupuncture can relieve pain, and promote healing. Food is what fuels your body and mind, so the healthier the better. Yoga is good for mind/body, and hypnosis works to relax the mind, and put positive thoughts into action. Chinese herbs can be more potent than medicines, so seek an experienced herbalist.

Are there any people from Florida on that think they who's going to win the electoral votes?

I'm just curious to see if anyone from Florida is currently on and think they know which candidate will win the state. Obama or McCain? Please tell me why.

Why is the cowgirls and colts game showing instead of the Falcons and Bucs Game?

I find that more interesting, because I want the Falcons to lose so that they cant get homefield advantage in the playoffs

How can I be a secret admirer to the guy I like?

Very simple: Admire him in secret. If you start following him around and leaving notes in his locker and stuff, that's borderline stalking. Now, if you want one day to be more than his secret admirer, go ask him out. Just ask him if he wants to get together to do something sometime. But do it when no one else is around so that you get a more honest reaction out of him. Good luck.

How many songs do you have on your iPOD!!!?

I got about 1100 songs that are only punk. The other 400 are a mix of Old School Underground real Hip Hop and Metal. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable if people scroll through my Mp3 since most of my music is just filled rage and anger.

Would a divorce be in order?

My husband and I have been married for 2 years, together for 4. We were pressured to get married by my parents when I got pregnant, but weren't really ready. Now we're at a crossroads in our marriage and I don't know what to do. I love him, but I am no longer attracted to him at all. has gotten to be more like a chore and I try to avoid it at all costs. We may do it every 4 months or so. I don't know how I can become attracted him again, but I don't see that happening. He is my best friend and it saddens me that our relationship may come to an end, but I feel like it is unfair for both of us to stay together. Our son is almost 2 and I don't want to prolong the inevitable. Is this fixable or should we just go our separate ways. We have decided to make a decision after our lease ends, which will be in 2 months.

How is faith a paradox?

Faith is a foregone conclusion, it is a natural instinct and should be taken out of this equation. What you are looking for or asking is why they have faith? Well we are born with faith. We have faith in ourselves, like when you stood on your hind legs and started walking a blind instinct of faith, and that is a scientific fact. Also when a baby cries for their mom, they have that instinct of faith for security for when the mom picks up her baby the baby stops crying right? Universal what? Nothing is absolute in the universe it is all the perfectly imperfect world that is the true science of the matter, and all mathematically designed and if you had a tip about the answers it would take the faith to succeed in scientific discovery, or should I say HOPE?

What to get my boy and my bestfriend for big ol' v-day hmmmm?!?

me and my best friend always get eachother something for every holiday :L but this year im running low on cash, and im all out of ideas! AND i wanna get something for my boyfriend but without being a slushy and what not... heeelllpp :')

If we allow creationism in our schools, is this what will become of our space program?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Isn't the first word for God in the Christian Holy Book, Elohim, which means more than one god?

U are correct! God has always been plural in any religious or ancient culture but the religious people try to hide this fact in order to maintain their concept. This was enforced by the translators. It's sad that most religious people are too lazy to do any research to find the truth of their sciptures.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How much forgiveness am I supposed to give?

the heart will always tell u to stay,but if a man has repeatedly cheated, time after time,and u have no kids, u really need to get out of this marriage.don't wait until your old, and bitter. he cheated in the past, why keep giving it chances?

How does one become a chat-room moderator? Are there paid positions available?

usually depending on the chat room u are paid, most likely u become a moderator by doing good things toward the chat. sometimes u can request to be one and u are granted moderator.

Ready to take driving test?

^Ha the picture above..To answer your question, however, some of the testers ARE unfair. You have to get lucky with a good one plus practice a LOT with a GOOD teacher. Don't worry. Lots of people fail two or even three times before ping! Best of luck to you!!!

Isuzu trooper heat stopped coming out of front vents?

so , my hot air stopped coming out of the front vents, the heat will only come out of the vent right under the winshield. why would the heat just stop working out of the front vents?

Has anybody heard of Mario Bil, a Lebanese commedian?

Isn't he the tall guy with a big smile? he's ok...he's funny but sometimes he pushes it a bit too much

How to change a simile to a metaphor.?

similes have the words as and like in them. To change them into a metaphor you just have to take out the "as" so it will be "she is a sneaky snake".

Sweeney Todd?

let me know how many throat slittings are there and how many other things are there that are violent and gory, I am talking everything.

Help me with this boy plss?

just find a reason about skool like if hes smart use that or if hes in an after school activity join in that will get some waist holding stuff to start then if he asks you on a date just tell your parents your going with a friend its really easy

I want to dye my hair a pretty natural blonde using lemon juice. Im a brunette, will it work?

Lemon juice doesn't work. You have to use bleach... If I were you, I'd stay natural. Bleach can ruin your hair and make it fall out. Believe me. And I'm sure your hair is beautiful the way it is (:

Problem with a Disclosure Statement?

Sounds to me that you might have a case. Did you get a home inspection before you bought the house? If so it would have turned up these problems. As far as the remodeling if it was done right and is working I don't think they would have to tell you about that unless that is stated on the disclosure statement as a question. But if they say the AC and fireplace works when clearly it does not then you might have a case if they knowing lied about it on the disclosure statement. What was wrong with the AC was it something that could have broken with out the owners knowing (over the winter) or was is missing something that they had to know about. I know you can't now but always get a home inspection before you buy a house!!

AP Literature help please?

ok so our summer ignment is to read Macbeth and do a reading journal, which consists of 10 questions, such as who is the protagonist, etc., etc. question number 9 simply says "strongest contrast" I have no idea what the teacher is asking for here, can anyone help me understand?

Family of 5 from Dallas wants to move to Adelaide area. A veterinarian and nurse practitioner. Can we do it

I certainly don't want to speak poorly of my country, as I am very proud of many things about the USA. My husband served 4 years as a US Marine, and I do have a great deal of patriotism. However, we find ourselves in our mid-30s with 3 kids under 6 and have to question whether or not we want our family's future to continue in this kind of moral deterioration found in this hemisphere. Is this world-wide and, therefore, we should stay put and make the best of it (it's not HORRIBLE here, just concerning) or are there better opportunities for our family out there? Sorry to be so deep and brief at the same time, but my baby is waking up now! Thanks for your consideration and comments.....

Discrimination and harrment in our apartment complex (regarding dog)....need advise?

No . . . having moronic neighbors is not a valid excuse for breaking a lease . . . you should probably get a pit bull . . . I'd imaging it would stop the harment in it's tracks.

What is the best thing for oxy/roxy withdrawls?

A friend of mine is hooked on oxycontin, he's trying to quit and needs to know the best remedies for withdrawls.

Where can I print 1.50$ off Purina tidy cat coupons?

I like to use a href="" rel="nofollow" they actually deliver what they promise with no scams or gimmicks. Hope that helps :)

Why did drilling slow down so much in the Gulf of Mexico/ GOM?

This time last year drilling in the gom was at full force. Now there is hardly any work? What happened? Is it Obama? Is it Gas prices? Is it it new rules and regulations? Whats the problem? What has to happen for companys to want to drill in the gulf again???

Can You Solve This Riddle? #6?

I come in darkness, but fill the mind with light. I bring enlightenment to some, while gripping others in the hand of fear. With me it can be a journey of inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show you will often be unreachable. Journey with me and what you see may haunt you. Journey with me and you may never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will end. What am I?

Where does the quote "Melt in your mouth, not your hands" come from?? Is it M&M's or Hershey's?! I

Having a debate with the coworkers, and don't remember where this saying comes from?!? Please help!! Thanks!

Fantasy football help?

I wouldn't make this trade. Edwards is Money in the bank, Colston is going through the dreaded Sophmore Slump. Selvin Young stands to become the starter if Travis Henry ever gets suspended, but that story has gone cold. Either Way Selvin Young is an unproven player at best. Gotta stick with your money players.

I want to know about my merriage when it will happen?

date of birth is 02/10/1987 full name is USMAN JAVED father is MUHAMMAD IQBAL place of birth is KUWAIT.

How Do You Trademark Something??? PLZ HELP!?

i have a really good idea for something, and I want to trademark the name. How should I do that?? i have no idea how to trademark something. PLZ HELP ME! THANK YOU!

Are Anti-Theists Bigots?

El hacerle caso a idiotas es de locos, this translates to: "To pay attention to idiots is for fools.

Java mutator and accessor with array...?

You're declaring Value and Item as new properties, but never give them values. Unless I'm misunderstanding, you return the current Value and the current Item before they are set to anything, which means that they are still undefined values 0 and null.

I need help with baby names...sad right?

It would help if you told us about where your family is from and what kind of last name it needs to go with.I like Heidi for a girl as that is my favorite shirley temple movie.Eli,Raymond,Carson,or Micah(Bible Book) for a boy.Grace,Dorothy,or Lauren for a girl.Use Rae for the middle name to honor your father in law.I did the same to honor my dad's mother when I named my children.However,there will be cries of favortism for the ones left out.

Why does faulkner use complex words for illiterate characters in As I Lay Dying?

The characters are supposed to be illiterate, yet Faulkner weaves in complex words into their pages. What's the idea behind this?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who thinks Kyle Farnsworth was justified for what he did to Manny Ramirez last night?

To be honest, I didn't like it. Some will say that the practice is "part of the game". Baseball isn't about trying to injure or intimidate the opposing players. Last I checked, the object when you are pitching is to get the hitter out. Bean do not help in any way to achieve that goal.

MIRENA? arghhhh... Can it cause menopause to begin prematurely?

I am 34 years old. I had Mirena inserted 1 year ago. I was perfectly fine using Nuva Ring, but thought it would be nice to have it inserted & be able to forget about it for 5 years. After 6 mos of it, I had it removed b/c I was losing my hair & my hormones completely out of wack. Now, 6 mos. later I still have had no period & the last few days I have been extremely irritable. I thought I was about to start, but my gyno did an ultrasound & said there was no lining there to shed & that I was not about to start my period. What is the likelihood that I am beginning menopause?

We have dvd and cd from syria, and some are compressed. ?

How do we get these to work on regular players. One or two of the cd's work on the computer but none of the DVDs. Help please ! ! !

Help with vowels?2222222222?

2222 i need help with my vowels i was taught them but ca2n never remember which is which when im in school does anyone have a way of remembering wich is which? PLease help111!!

How can earthquake waves help locate the source of a quake?

When an earthquake occurs, a wave of energy travels through the earth and it kind of resonates throughout the entire planet until the energy dissipates. By picking up the waves of energy at different locations, scientists can then compare the time the wave arrived and what its energy level was to triangulate the exact origin of the earthquake that caused it. And, different earthquakes can easily be differentiated from each other by the pattern of the markings on the seismograph. Each earthquake has its own signature pattern, kind of like a fingerprint.

Lyric quiz. First to get 15 out of 20 gets 10 points. Only Rock, Metal and Alternative Music involved.?

I recognize and love all of these songs, but can't remember their names. once they're all named, I'd be happy to learn them. :D

Why is this happening to my kitten?

Ok so a while ago my cat Skittles had 3 kittens. We gave one kitten a home. But we couldn't find the other two a home so we decided to keep them. So now we have three cats. Just recently we got Skittles spayed and her other older kitten spayed too. We couldn't get the younger kitten spayed (she was the runt) because the vet said she didn't weigh enough. So now I recently got attached to the girl kitten who got spayed. But Skittles and her other kitten started ignoring me and my family. They also turned against the kitten that has gotten attached to me! They hiss at her. They run off from her and try to avoid her but the other kitten doesn't do anything to them. She's nice to them even though they are mean to her. But why are they doing this all of a sudden? Now Skittles and the younger kitten are ignoring me and my family now! They won't go by us or they run off scared. But the kitten I got attached to plays with me and cuddles with me. She's always at my side. But what about the other two cats. They always hiss at my kitten. Why do they do this all of a sudden?

How to dry coconut substrate faster for tarantula?

You can buy bags of dry coconut fiber substrate at a lot of pet and exotic pet stores. I'd try that - much easier than waiting for the stuff to dry (though, when forced to, we generally dry ours in the oven but it does take a while and the entire house ends up smelling like a wood fire - nice, for a while! LOL).

Ipod touch 2nd g 8g jailbreak question?

I tried jailbreaking my itouch before but it didnt work. i already have cydia and winterboard downloaded. so can someone tell me the website or something where i can redo it? i remember the website having a countdown for how long you had to hold and power each thing...? anyone help please!

Why do many deceived sheeple want to get 'back to the basics(laws)', when such is a draw back to perdition?

Many "deceived" sheep-like People are trying to get "back to the basics(laws)" Simple Because they DESIRE (TRUE) WORSHIP in their Lives !

Im writing a romeo and juliet essay in english, it any good ?

Suggest you try to look up the date of the play. Try Wikipedia, when you have more detailed date it looks somewhat better for your opening.

Is this a metaphor or a simile?

This is a simile because it uses the word 'like'. You can always tell because while a simile uses 'like' or 'as', a metaphor does not.

Tactics for competing in a 400m running race??

I am a sprinter so i usually rely on the last 100-200m to overtake people but when i get higher up in competitions it doesnt always work. what can i do to imporve my pacing + technique?!?!

Is US and European policy toward a democratic 'ally' total hypocrisy?

Fair trade, not free trade is what is needed. That way Columbia will be forced to lower tarrifs on US made goods, or be forced to try and compete with US goods using prices inflated by tarrifs. That makes more sense than free trade. If we did this with China the trade deficit would be far far lower, but we keep slowly selling ourselves to the commies.

What are some good punk bands?

I like TBS, FFTL, MCR, FOB, Hawthorne Heights, The Cab, 3OH!3 Senses Fail, stuff like that. I don't like the music like The Devil Wears Prada, but I like some screamo, know any good bands?

What is that candy (they dont sell it anymore) and its a choclate ball thing?

it is a choclate hard ball thing and inside it has sweet tarts plz tell me if u know used to eat when i was a kid need to know name

Could my friend be confused?

I don't mean to offend anyone by asking this question, But I think he might be confused. The other day I was talking to him and he said he's not sure if he wants to be gay anymore because it's too much drama and heartache. Also when he hugs me he runs his hands down my side and just looks me in the eyes and tells me I'm beautiful and some times he kisses me on the lips. When he's alone with me all he wants to do is cuddle. He dated my other friend (awhile back) and I talked to his ex about it and he thought that he might be confused about being gay and that was why he broke up with him

What do you call this hat?,r:8,s:221&biw=1366&bih=641

Will you recommend a book for me to read? I am a gentle bloke, romantic and with a taste for adventure?

No guns or knives or blood and defiantly no . I want petticoats and hot smouldering looks, Irate fathers and walks in the park. Hot plum pies and flour on her cheeks and elbows with a wisp of hair across her face.And of course it has to be set in 2009. If you don't know of one then will you write one for me? In return I will compose a sonnet to you.

Easter pot luck ideas.?

I need to make a dish for my husband to bring to his pot luck at work. I would like something that can remain heated in a crock-pot while he is at work..any ideas?

How many calories a day should i eat to permanently lose weight?

i wake up at 11 and eat toast w/ a little bit of peanut er on it and around 5 or 6 i have a bowl of raisen bran or a pb&j sandwich, i also drink 8 full gles of water EVERY is this good? btw i'm almost never hungry throughout the day and have lost about 35 lbs with it so far

Can you install this sound card with this mother board?

You can install sound cards on any motherboard. Just be sure to disable the built in one in the BIOS. ~

Whatever Happened to Finding Healthy Partners?

I don't know and I don't know what you mean, I mean I for one am perfectly healthy(other than I have asthma and a severe allergy(ieS), but thats minor isnt it, a lot of people have asthma and allergies, right?)

What's a normal weight gain during pregnancy.?

We don't go by Kgs I don't know how to convert that. 25 lbs is the standard amount of weight to gain.

My relationship is new,and my boyfriend already thinks i was sleeping around?

am so hurt,before we started this relationship I told him about the ual abuse I faced when i was younger.He told me that he understands,but still feels that I did sleep with someone else.its a long distant relationship,and we both need to trust each other greatly.He said he loves me so much,i should pardon his jealousness.Lately he has been hearing stories,which are not true.Some guy claiming to have kissed me.I'm totally hurt please help me,i need advise

Is my friend a ? plz I need help it's serious.?

ok so my friend is a senior and I am a freshman. most of my friends know I'm a . I think she has an idea that I am. anyway, she's always hugging me, she sometimes wants to walk arm in arm, she sometimes starts to put her face close to mine to try to kiss me but I always turn away laughing. I think she just does it as a joke but I can't tell. plus she sometimes will do awkward things like stoke my arm or my face gently. again I can't tell if she's just kidding. plus she wants to go to the freshman semi with me so we're going together? so does she like me???? and is she a .?? oh and one more thing she once told me that she though she was bi. but she's told me twice that she's str8 and at random times. plz help???

Was my teacher out of line?

yes she was you need to tell your parents what she said and did she needs to be removed from the school

Any Falkenbach Fans?

I love falkenbach, been into them since their first CD, ...en my fav of their releases (the first one). Love the song about the christians brutalizing the vikings.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

In public my boyfriend acts like we're not even dating?

I went to the movies with my boyfriend and a large group of people, about 8 all together. Throughout the movie it was cute, we held hands like usual and laughed a lot, but when the movie was over and we were all hanging out in the arcade things got bad. He didn't even talk to me barely, and I, being really social, was talking with everyone! He spent most of his time with this girl he's known for a long time, and was really good friends with, but I feel like it was flirty. They were throwing skittles at eachother, honestly?! Later on he said I "spent the whole night with" my best friend, so he went with her to p the time, which is a lie. I was actually doing a lot more socializing than he was, and I wasn't about to follow him around if he wasn't going to pay attention to me, so I made the best of it and talked to everyone else. I don't understand why he was acting like this, he seems really shy around me, but he's not like that at all when it's just us! Why is he doing this?

How can i convert my network to domain ?

i have 150 sys in my company these are conntected with workgroup.i would like to convert all these sys to domain. i have cisco 2500 router and two 40006 switches all these sys are connected via dhcp for internet. I have dell servers and one zenith server with xeon 2.4, 1gb, 120 gb hdd. I have great environment, how can i convert this to domain. and which is the best os or soft for band width management to controll internet connectivity.. Pls help me.. Thankyou..

What are the OFFICIAL movements to low by Flo Rida?

i mean everyone has there own dance every clique and stuff but whats the OFFICIAL movements and where can i find them?!?!?!? help!

What is the most oppressive way to get a leader or police system?

I am writing a novel and I trying to wrote about the most evil oppressive government.I know the main leader follows a cultish religion where he is a god and each guard is into it as well.The gods kill the weak and protect the strong.They have the priest become posessed and eaten after 20 years of practice.The officials folkie none of their own laws and no one can say anything about it.I think either a monarchy(Caligula,vlad dracul,king Louie) or fascism by violent takeover(Lenin,hitler,sadam).What is your opinion?

I am very very worried about the weather?

ok so i live in alberta canada calgary to be exact and with the tusnamis earth quakes fire in slave lake and flood in manatoba i am starting to freak out just a bit i am only 22 yrs old and dont know what to think about all these natural disasters i was once worried about 2012 but then everyone said no that wont happen but with that being said wth is going on here is this normal or are we seriously about to get wiped out by mother nature please no rude answers and if you would back up your answer thank you so much

Why werent the characters Angela Ashby and Jill Valentine in Resident Evil Extinction?

In the movie book it said that Alice was being controlled by Umbrella and ended up killing Angela. But Jill was still out there alone because she was tired of being a leader and left people she found to Carlos.

What does it mean if she agrees to study?

We're both in a college and we've only known each other for a a little less than a month. We talk to each other when in cl and some text messages. when we talk to each other we both smile and laugh and act flirty towards each other, however, the majority of the time i am the one who always initiates the convo. i asked her if she wanted to study before our midterm. she said sure and told me she was going to a review session and if i was also then we could study more after that. any advice or tips is appreciated. thanks :)

Which low carb diet works?

I am convinced that reducing carbs helps to lose weight, but I can't always follow a diet like Atkins or The Zone strictly. I always limit my carb consumption significantly, but I make my own "tweaks" to it. Does anyone else do this? What tips can you give me to successfully lose weight through carb cutting? What are some essential guidelines?

Hypothetical question...?

Hossa only played 12 regular season games and 20 playoff games in Pittsburgh last year, who cares if he left because he had a better shot at winning the Cup in Detroit? He has played a fairly long career and didn't want to wait for Pittsburgh's young team to be ready. It's not like Brett Favre wanting to go for a Super Bowl in Minnesota after playing 15+ years in Green Bay....

Spanish maybe?

I was reading some comments and there were acouple of sentences that were in spanish. I was just wondering what it said. "its only been a day pero te extrano mucho y cuando vas a Nipomo?? " And theres another..."me hablas cuando tienes tiempo ok"

Chevy vs ford Question?

what kinda money do you have to spend in a 6.4powerstroke to mach a stock duramax. my Buddy has a tune and pipes on his powerstroke and my dads stoke duramax still pounds it to the ground.

Should there be a law? if a family member marries a reg. (child) offender, they notify their family.?

I have been molested, about 17 yrs ago. I just found out that my aunts husband of 9 yrs. is a offender. without the gory details he d a 14 yr he had authority over. It has been 22yrs since his crime. I have two little children of my own. My aunt was okay with me bringing my children to her home and allowing her husband to be around my children. They even spent the night once, before i found this out. She kept his crime from the entire family. I think that is BS. I would love to make this a law that if you choose to marry a offender, of children, that you have to tell your family if they have children and they come in contact with him. what do you think? and what do i have to do to make it a law?

It's been three months! He says he doesn't want to be in a relationship?

So I was seeing this guy in college since the end of October. In the beginning he said he wasn't looking for a relationship but i had hope he would change after sometime we spend time together. So we hung out a lot, and he would text me everyday and i would do the same. And there were various occasions when i questioned him what we were? and he would say you can call it anything you want! Then I would say but we're not girlfriend & boyfriend. But then he would say you don't trust me? you're my only girl. And yes i did believe him and still do. So we got really intimate like abut 2 months ago and we had . It was wonderful but i started getting feelings that it wasn't right for me,like two weeks later we did it again. And he was really pionate with me, and i knew that he really did like me because he made sure I wasn't hurting and safe. But I was having confused emotions and over V-day weekend I didn't text him, I ignored his texts too, this was a saturday & a sunday. He was supposed to come over saturday, but i told him not to as i was trying to figure out what was right and what was wrong. So, monday was V-day and he didn't even bother wishing me. I didn't contact him until thursday when i found out he deleted me & my bestfriends off of his facebook too. So I asked him whats up? and he apologized saying he forgot his phone at his friend's house & someone hacked his facebook account, which obviously i didn't believe in. And when i told him I can't do this anymore, he said, "You wouldn't say that if you knew what I have been through, Please work this out with me baby, i need some time." i told him i'll think about. And when he asked me to chill with him again, I said no because i don't see us getting anywhere. And he said "Okay then if that's what you think, but i can;t be friends with you, sorry." And since then I haven't talked to him & its been a month. And last week my phone was being stupid and decided to send him a blank text which he responded to, which means he still has my #, and to top the weirdness off he still say hi and talk to my bestfriend and come to school the days he doesn't have school and sit in the library all by himself somewhat far away from me. I DONT UNDERSTAND HIM :( PLEASE HELP! I miss him too, but i don't want to fool around. And also i never felt like I was in a relationship with him because he never bought me any gifts, or never legit went out on dates.

MEPS date for Air FOrce? How long????? plz hlp?

it varies dude, after i took my asvab i had to wait 2 months to go to MEPs, then after my first visit they had to bring me back not just once more but 2 times more, so yeah it sucked pretty bad, but just be patient, if you want give your recruiter a call and say hey whats goin on with meps, that's what i did after 3 weeks and he said hes workin on it. just have Patience, trust me, when you go to MEPs, you will need them, cause all it is is waiting around and standing and it sucks dude, they make you wake up at 3 you eat at 4 and you leave at 5 in the morning, and then you do nothing but stand all day and hope you dont get disqualified, do not open your mouth about anyhting, they wont find out about it. ok.

Love poem help please?

It is nice and has an original feel to it. I have read much worse, especially from those who did not know the translation and meaning differences between American and other languages. I say a job well done.

My body is disproportionate...? how do i fix it?

Symmetry you're either born with or like most of us, it requires a little work. I'm like that too. My left trap is larger, right arm and deltoid larger then the left. I've played world cl table tennis for over 20 years and my whole right side is more developed.. I do a few more reps with the left side. It will catch up one day..I've done four shows to date and no judge has mentioned that they see a difference to the point I need to work on it, so I must be doing something're a lot younger than me so you have plenty of time to get things need to push it just yet..just add some reps within the ranges you're working now..94% of us are a little smaller on the less dominate side..that's one reason I started playing table tennis with my left hand...I never will be as good with that side, but I'm close. That's helped with development on that side as well.

More gay men than women?

It seems that way, but this may be because beauty is sort of a societal construct. Men treat women like meat, like we are just there for their satisfaction, and society follows this pattern. s, however, don't need to live up to how men see them. We don't have to be super perfect and throw ourselves in front of men and the media. Women are better at loving and being attracted to the inner person.

Slow cooker cake recipes please if you know some?

Cakes? Wow, I haven't thought of that. I'll try it though, and it will be a mix, as I have one. If you'd like me to report back, save this address and I'll get back to you on your request. Just give me a week to make it, got things going on right now, so next weekend I'll bake it and let you know, ok? But ping me or poke me or email me whatever the term is these days.

Nba live 2005 retiring jerseys in dynasty mode?

when a player retires from my team, it tells me that i can only do it during the offseason. but during the offseason, i cant check my pda. and during the regular season, theres no on the respond to it with. also, if i delete the message can i still retire thier number?

Do I have a good start on my poem.?

Your ear is has potential, but it needs editing. When choosing words, make sure they maintain consistency of voice. For example, "betwixt" is a good word, as is "abide", but they seem out of place next to "Saccharine". Next, be careful of using sophisticated words just because they sound sophisticated..."epicurean lips" is a bit over-done. Also, "each lone touch" is's like saying, "little small"...if it is a "lone" touch, there is only one, so "each" doesn't work. "Fluxed cryptograms"...contrived, blurry image, fix it. "aquatic eyes"...does she have "fish eyes", or are they blue? I do like "bleed diminutive sins", but the "monochrome erflies" is a little flat. "cascade gales of whispers..." doesn't can't cascade a "gale"...and neither word works with "whispers". So, you have some good word choices, but they don't all fit together, and you have a few good images...other than that, you need to step back and see where you want to go, what image you want to create, and find a straighter line between the dots...and keep writing.

How do you email a question of interest to another user?

I know how to do it on the external email system but how do we do it on the internal system? its prob straightforward but could you help me out here? thanks.

Martian Child question?

that's so weird...i was wondering the same thing! like how did he taste color and all that if he wasn't from mars. maybe he was, and he just forgot about it, or maybe it was a lucky guess. idk.

Shuttle junkies, are you glad you got to see these? Cameras attached to the STS.?

First are two from the left booster the third actually runs until chutes open and splashdown. A bit long because they are in real time. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Glad to have lived during to see this!

How can I prepare for my beginner kickboxing cl?

There is a lot of cardio involved in muay thai in addition to just brute strength. throwing a punch or a kick at full strength takes a lot of energy and you need the endurance to be able to spar with your partner. It will take both upper and lower body strength so you should do push ups, leg lunges, squats, stretch your legs to be able to kick high. situps, jump rope for calves, pullups, dips and exercises for lats. you basically need towork all the muscles in your body.

Can anyone identify my Slipknot poster/flag?

I wish I had one of those! (im a girl in middle school who loves slipknot) if you did sell it it might be a fortune! This maggot kid wants one! -_-' lucky you! :D

Might anyone known what this horror movie is?

It was a low-budget zombie film about this priest who gets possessed by this demon and starts killing this busload of tourists that are vacationing during this Indian dead festival. I remember that it was very very bloody and gory.

Would A Government Ever Control The Thought And Behavior Of Citizens Using Health Care Access As A Tool?

I know our dear leader, President Obama would never, ever use access to health care as a tool for controlling his subjects, but if a very powerful central government had total control of all health care delivery, is it possible for that government to grant or deny access to health care based on the patient's political affiliation?

C# Int/Void Error? Help!!!!?

Hey guys, i'm a newbie to programming (I know almost everything about computers BUT programming). I have taken up c# as of about a week ago lol. However, whenever i try to write a program, whether it be a window form or a command prompt program, whenever i declare a namespace, if that line of code includes int (or sometimes void) it give me an error (and underlines int in red) and says "expected cl, delegate, enum, interface, or struct". Am i doing something wrong? I can't figure it out so help is much appreciated.

Friday, August 12, 2011

About Caylee Anthony?

I agree with you totally. This poor Grandpa, or Papa, as Caylee called him, has been living with a camera in his face since this started, day and night, for months. His daughter killed his granddaughter. He is suffering terribly. I wish the press would leave them alone to grieve. Even Nancy Grace takes advantage of the cameras and press invading their privacy.

What to do about a best friend and somewhat of a ?

true, the question seems mean and straightforward, but i want to know. my best friend is hanging around with a girl who sleeps around with many other guys. i feel like this girl is a bad influence on my friend and i don't feel comfortable around her myself. my friend knows that i feel that way, but her excuse is "well, when you get to know her she is so funny!" idk, maybe that's true, but when someone like her is around my friend all the time, i worry that my friend might go and do something stupid. what do i do?

1 month old teething?

My son turned a month old yesterday. He's been drooling a lot, always wanting his pacifier, or gnawing on his hands. He's also been very fussy today and yesterday. He's never been fussy until now. I know those are the signs of teething. but, is it really possible for him to be teething this young? Thanks for your time and help :)

Two New Kingdom Hearts Games?

I heard about two new K H games coming out. One was "Kingdom Hearst". No its not a typo. It really is spelled Hearst not Hearts. I read about it in my Game Informer magazine. Is he really serious about putting out this game? Also I read about the new "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days" which sounds a little interesting. Anyone have new info on these. I tried to google but kept getting "Kingdom Hearts II". Thanks.

Why do people expect everyone to feel sorry for them when they were living beyond their means, had a job but j?

You went to college with the wrong intentions, like me and other people do. You went because of the promise to make a lot of money. You thought with this degree, I can make a load of money, more than someone with a high school diploma. Well, it is not always like that here in the U.S.A. Where I work in Los Angeles, the jobs are either for those with high school diplomas and GED or those with Master and Doctorate degrees. Hardly any jobs with just a Bachelors degree. My boyfriend who has a Bachelors in Psychology can't get a job where I work. You know what, he is doing a job a person with just a high school diploma and experience can do. I don't have my degree yet but I'm still going to work on it because of the career I want, not money. What employers look for in candidates is job experience. A lot of college students never work during their 4 years at college, or they never attempt to get internships pertaining to the career they want. I was lucky to have experience in high school working as a Human Resources Student Secretary during all my summers. Although I was interested in Psychology and Early Childhood Education, I also became interested in Human Resources/Personnel and plan to have a career in that area in the future. Right now I want a career as a Paralegal and plan on gettting a degree in Paralegal studies. Paralegals make a lot of money approximately $60,000-70,000 or more a year. The economy is bad right now and a lot of jobs are laying off people, and would explain why they are on uemployment. I know it's tough hang in there. It took me years before I landed a permanent job. I've only been working permanent for only a year, before that I was doing intermittent and temporary work and barely making enough to take care of myself. But now I plan on buying a car (I just got my license too and I'm 26) and plan on moving out of my parents home. It is hard right now, stay close with your friends and family to help you get through this tough time, ok. Good Luck :)

The book: Starship Troopers By Robert Heinlein?

I have questions about the book Starship Trooper by Robert heinlein. I have to read this book and i am only on the 3rd chapter in 1 day. I need info about the characters,main idea,and so much morree!!!!!!!!!!.....Help me!.....Someone tutor me on this book!

Calculus question for caluc 1?

A 0.5 ml dose of a drug is injected into a patient steadily for 0.7 seconds. At the end of this time, the quantity,Q, of the drug in the body starts to decay exponentially at a continuous rate of 0.6 percent per second. Using formulas, express Q as a continuous function of time, T, in seconds.

Help! Which starting RB for week 2?

I like Leon vs. the Pats better than anyone vs. Ravens D. Plus Leon had some fun vs. Houston last week. I got the feeling he's just getting warmed up as Rex Ryans clear favorite.

Where can I find pink fleece mittens?

I really want some pink fleece mittens for the winter, but I can't find any!! It doesn't matter what shade of pink, I just want pink.

What do I do if someone's calling my husband's job, posing as me?

My husband had to make a trip home today to get his no slip shoe covers(he works at a restaurant) he is a manager, any way, he said "Willie Mae said that you called, she said your wife called" Um okay first off, I didn't call him today, I mean like what does this mean? I am freaked because I am scared someone is pretanding to be me! thanks for replies!

Euthanasia clinics in Switzerland- do you need to be terminally ill to go there or can u go there for any case?

Heard there is a euthanasia clinic in Switzerland called Dignitas. When browsing on Google out of curiousity, it didnt really say alot, except for an article saying that over 700 people had killed themselves there, and residents had been complaining about this or something. Anyway, I am wondering if these clinics are specifically for those with a terminal illness, eg incurable cancer, OR if anyone who feels they have a "purpose" to take their own lives can do so, eg mental illness/disorder that simply isnt getting better or being helped with meds. Are clinics like these more than happy to take your money (if you pay?) for whatever the case, or as I have said, need to be specific? Thanks

Can my lifestyle changes help me avoid liver cirrhosis and transplantation?

through my ultrasound there is a possiility that I have NASH, which is fatty liver with inflammation (non-alcoholic). I've asked a few gastroenterologists and they think it's probably attributed to my high cholesterol (not obese) so they want me to lose weight, eat right and exercise which I have been doing. So now I'm at my ideal weight and I feel good having this change of lifestyle with less excess fat. I'm sure I have done good to my liver. I was told this condition can be resolved if you live healthy. However I've read that someone said on yahoo answers that this condition will ultimately need a liver transplantation. Is this true for everyone? Or does it apply to people who do not follow their doctor's orders and continue to harm their liver. I really do not want any type of liver transplant or cirrhosis in my future period, but i'd like to know if my dietary/lifestyle changes has definitely prevented me from doing so?

What is the meaning of the song 'Seven Spanish Angels'?

I recently came across the version by WIllie Nelson and Ray Charles, it is absolutely breathtaking, I'd love to know the actual meaning of the song if anyone has an idea.

"Fatherless" By Jeremy Gibson?

Bravo...your writing is phenomenal. This poem brought tears to my eyes, you truly captured the real emotion of the mother and child. As for suggestions, keep writing, keep emoting your feelings, you are very talented and as they say, practice makes perfect. So just keep it up!!

As George W. Bush gets ready to leave office, compare him to Herbert Hoover?

HA HA, Bush and Hoover are also alike in the way they treat veterans. Look at the way Bush let funding for Veterans health care drop by requesting cuts each year. This a just an indirect attack versus Hoover sending the troops after the Bonus Army camped on the Mall. That bunch actually bayoneted babies. Now those are Real Americans!!!

What happens if you cant solve a CrossWord Puzzle For your life????

Some crossword puzzles are really stupid especially the ones you can buy at the counter in grocery stores. The words in them keep repeating every few puzzles and they have the stupidest clues like "Man who walked into the west" or "Director Elia" kept popping up in every crossword puzzle. Using the dictionary will probably help. You can also suscribe to word of the day on I think they will send you a new word everyday and that will help u pick up new words.

How much power do I need for my new computer?

Yes 600w seems ideal for that. Just remember that not all 600w PSUs are equal. Its very common for really cheap units to be labelled 600w+ when in reality they would fail at about 200w load. So make sure you are buying quality.

How to remove stubborn stiff acne?

I'm 23 now, and I've had facial acne eruption occasionally, though now it has quite slowed down. But something that really concerns me is a hard, stiff, thick, painless, quite big acne that developed on my right cheek and don't seem to go away. There's nothing under it, and that bump has been there on my cheek for over 4 months now. Anyone know about it? and how to get rid of it?

Why is Harold Camping trying again?

I'm 15 and a girl and I just want people's opinions.Today he issued a statement."I was wrong,it's October 21st now.",to summarize what he said.Now he was wrong in 1994,he was wrong 2 days ago and now he is trying again.Do you think many people will believe as much as they did before or will his words just fall flat again?In my opinion,he is a false prophet for he has already been wrong and when you claim to have said God told you something,you can't be wrong because God is never wrong and this man pretty much contradicted the Bible and called God a liar and I,being a Christian,believe that he will answer for such thing.

I am in my punishment time??!!please help?

If they punish you for saying those things they are to controlling. Dont let them control your speech pattern! VIVA LA RESISTANCE!

Dragonball z real movie a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

If you remember the first season of Dragon Ball then you will remember Vegeta was not in it. Piccolo was the bad character in season one. Vegeta does not appear until season three after Goku defeats the red Ribbon Army, Garlic and Piccolo. If you go too soon through the series then you miss the sweetness of Goku's character.

Would you care to offer your thoughts on this poem of mine? C/C?

Rather dark, and as you said, bersome. I was in his shoes and did feel his drunkenness and could hear the roughness in the voices of the others and their dirty ways. But such is the life he chose; Selling fleshy bread ? for a pittance. I love how you painted this and could clearly see a common corner of the street thing but this happened much earlier when frocks and cuffs and hallowed domes were a usual thing. You find the Pleasance an intriguing tree which seem to mark the English walks and gardens of years ago. I hope I got this right.

Two bettas with dropsy in two weeks???

I'm sorry to hear about your Betta's. If your betta is as old as you say, it just may be his time. Did you use the same cleaning tools to clean the betta tanks? You could have cross contaminated the water if you did.

What was the meaning or purpose of the veil being torn?

Matthew 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;


Keep the money on you, and when you do see them, give it back with an apology..... all you can do.... and next time just be MORE careful before you go off like that... life is a string of daily lessons, learn and move on...... go in peace..... God bless

Why is UDP useful to animals?

The main advantage to animals is that the Undegradable Dietary Protein or Undegradable Intake Protein (UIP) it that is a known figure while feeding. For example, if the UIP of your feed is 10%, then you need to adjust the amount of protein that you feed by that amount to compensate for it. If the UIP of the feed is unknown and you are feeding on the basis of total protein, then you would be underfeeding your animals.

I want an 06 Ford Mustang! Please click ?

just be sure its okay to sell his car then sell it and get one now chicks dig them plus you'll have time to enjoy it before you have a family andddd........ its a FORD so go for it man but be CAREFULLLLLLLLLL

Devon,frank,james,moe, and pedro belong to the same gym. the gym rules prohibit the staff from giving out i?

info on clients. each of the five men gave out this info. devon said pedro weights 18 pounds more than i do. none of us weighs over b200 pounds. frank said my weight is divisable by 7. morris weighs 12 pounds more than i do. james said three people are heavier than i am. pedro's weight is a prime number. moe said i'm heavier than pedro. devon is the lightest. pedro said moe's weight is divisable by 10. the five of us togetherrr weigh a total of exactly 840 pounds.

Cheap belly on peircing in oakland county Mi?

i am getting my belly on pierced soon and i know one place were all together it costs about 70 dollars does anyone know were i can get it cheaper?

So I've asked him to what?

It depends on the dance, if it's a formal, I'd do the corsage, but don't expect him to get you one. And I'd just mention to him what color dress you're wearing, let him decide if he wants to wear a matching shirt

Is this correct stoichiometry?

You are correct. It is easier to recognize the each sulfur atom in FeS2 ends up as H2SO4. 5 moles of FeS2 contains 10 moles of S and thus yields 10 moles of H2SO4.

How do I get him to stop treating me like this?

So there is this guy that used to be in my cl all through grade school (came to our school in grade 4) and a few cles throughout highschool. I liked him forever and I know he liked me at times also. I was always really shy though and would not say much when he would talk to me. Everyone knew me as the cute little pretty quiet girl. I'm not like that anyomore and have grown up and grown out of my quietness. How do I go about showing this to him? I will be going to a banquet supper and he will be there. Last time I saw him he treated me like he used to like "omg did u just tell me to shut up" or little childish talk like that. What can I say or do to just get him to act normal around me? I'm 17 btw

Does your religion affect your belief in life on other planets? seriously?

Not at all. There are billions of galaxies with billions of planets. I'm not so conceded to think that we are the only life in this great big universe.

Just imagine that you are voting for the academy awards that count the last 5 decades. You'll vote for who?

Seann Penn, Tom Hanks, Daniel Day Lewis... (I'm sorry, but I cannot honestly complete the 5...I've not seen any movies made past that era. I know, sad, right, but I'm 15 though lol) Ummm... Out of that I guess I'd pick Daniel Day Lewis. He really put himself out there and released all of his inhibitions to play that role. Hats off...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Does speaking to Indian call centres really frustrate you?

I have had a fraud problem with my debit card recently and have had to deal with my UK banks dreadful Indian call centre. What a performance, they do not understand you properly and I sure as hell could not understand them either, in fact it probably annoys them as much as it does me! Does it irritate you having to ask what? pardon? every 3 seconds? I appreciate it is a lot cheaper for the banks etc but should UK banks/business's be forced to provide better, coherent customer service?

Paper Mario 4 Anybody?

I've been wondering if there's ever going to be a new Paper Mario. I think it's overdue as far as being released. We also should've been warned prior to it's release like any video game. So, if anybody out there knows if there will be a new one or not, please tell me! I'm tired of staying in anticipation for something that might not even come. Thanks.

Whats my horsepower on my honda prelude si 94 h22a4 swap ?

there is no way to just say what horsepower you have until you take it on a dyno to get tuned. but your off to a great start. youll unlock more HP by getting it tuned on the dyno.

Trade: Need Help Please?

I think its a solid trade.. Ray Rice is looking good and Boldin... well he's Boldin and providing he stays healthy should get a ton of touches. not to mention a D can only spread themselves out so far to take care of Fitz. What about trying to work out another trade.. with Benie Wells + 1 to someone else to get the most out of your draft picks. who knows you might be able to pick up a better TE or something if you sweeten the pot.. Good luck

My bank account requires me to log in with a number generated on a key fob they gave me - what is it called?

And what kind of algorithm is used to generate something like that? How do they know the number on my key fob is valid?

South Beach Snacks?

Tuna fish sandwiches (on wheat bread) are good for lunch. I eat them all the time, especially when i'm at work. Onto obliques: lay on the floor with your knees bent and your hands supporting your head, then go up like you're doing a crunch, but move your right elbow to your left knee, left elbow to right knee. Don't push yourself to hard with these. it takes a while to build those muscles up if you've never worked them before. do 3 sets of however many reps you can handle. Belly: good ol' crunches, 3 sets of a number you're comfortable with, then build up every week. Good luck.

Why did Mel Gibson say he hopes his wife gets d by a pack of n-words?

I guess I'm late but according to my dad and Yahoo News Mel Gibson told his wife he hopes that she gets d by a pack of n-words? This was also laced in physical threats that made it seem as if Mel had put his hands on his wife. I was just shocked. What I was even more shocked about were the comments from whites underneath the story talking about "people should be allowed to say what they want", "the wife must have done something to annoy Mel", "Why are we being politically correct and besides isn't it against the law to record a conversation." I mean how low can the some countless members of the white community go here? There racism is so low they're willing to defend a wife-beater/racist? When is enough enough?

Find the composite function (f o g) and (g o f). Are they equal What is the domain of each composite function?

In order for them to be equal when computing f o g and g o f by plugging in a value for x, they have to come out to the same number. so for f o g start by putting a value in for x in g(x). compute. for example compute g(3) = 3-1= 2. now use the 2 in f(x) to compute f(2)=1/2^2. not sure if u meant 1/2^2 or (1/2)^2 so compute that to get f o g. Now try in reverse order to get g o f. Start by using 3 again. plug into f(x) first this time. f(3)= 1/3^2. get an answer. plug that answer into g. get a final anwer. if this answer mathches your final answer from f o g then the functions are equal. the domain means what numbers can u put into the functions. graph to find in each case g (x) al real numbers can be computed. in f(x) depending on what u meant the domain may be differnt. good lucK!

Can someone please help me fix any grammatical errors?

A lot of people are in debt at the moment and they need help paying their bills off. It doesn’t help that credit card companies have high interest rates. You may forget to pay your bill one day, and the next day you’ll see that the company increased the interest rate a whole bunch. Paying your bills becomes almost impossible. Paying off debts results in a long process and credit card companies make more money off of you. People are turning to debt consolidation which turns multiple debts into one, with a manageable interest rate and monthly payment. The company basically comes up with a plan for the client after yzing their financial situation, debt-to-income ratio, and other factors. The clients can keep track of transactions and balances online. Clients should then pay off their bills whenever they are in the financial position to do so. Hopefully they can pay off all their debts.



If US isolates Musharraf, is there any possibility of his shaking hands with Terrorists, to protect himself?

From Benazie, Nawaz Sherief, Judicial system and other opponents and maily with the angry of US not supporting him for his emergency in Pak?

Rate fix my deck-traditional format?

I'm not going to fix this whole deck because It isn't good. However, I'm going to ask you something. You are playing traditional, why aren't you running the most powerful stuff. Raigeki and Harpie feather duster should be in here. Also, monster reborn, you can only have one. Traditional doesn't mean you can use 3 of any card, it follows the advanced list except all banned cards are limited.

BharatRatan to Rajeev Gandhi ! ! !For what contributions ?

He was a gentleman but did not deserve Bharat Ratn. He had no political or social contribution. He was unfit in politics. Congressmen used him for spreading fanaticism and communalism that was the DNA of his family. Even though he was better than people like VP but a Bharat Ratn? no way. Chandra Shekhar, who had split out from Rajeev wanted to show his hands clean when Rajeev was murdered. This was the reason for confering the title to him.

My mom won't let me take showers and only ets me take baths im 14?

It doesn't matter if your a guy. Shes seen and 's before. And obviously has seen you naked before since she changed your diapers. Just let her wash your hair and face since your clumsy. Be more careful next time. Get a rubber mat for the bottom of the shower.

Kiss on the cheek after first date?

I have a date with a very conserved christian girl on saturday, we're going to see a dance performance since both of us are dancers (her ballet, me ballroom). I wonder if a kiss on the cheek would be nice when I drop her off at her door. She's very conserved, kiss on the mouth might be too much.

What gifts do I bring when meeting my husband's family in Bangkok for the first time?

I am going to Bangkok in a few days to meet my husband's family for the first time. I want to bring small gifts to everyone to show my appreciation for their hospitality and kindness. There are about 30 family members all ranging in age. Is there something that Thai people would like from America that is not too expensive. I'm not trying to generalize all Thai people, but I thought maybe there is something not available there that all ages can enjoy, maybe a food item? Thanks for the help.

Is this a good deal for a Christmas gift?

The price is not a good deal, you can get this or comparable at a store for cheaper. This year the economy is making the sales the worst in quite some time, so they have to make price cuts to make sales. I would check local papers for their sales ads, you can avoid shipping and handling as online then to pick it up direct as well. Good idea to give it though as his being upset on losing the other one will be soon forgotten and he'll feel much better to have a nice new one now instead.

6 Chemistry questions: Stoichiometry. (+10pts!)?

I will try to help, but I've forgotten a lot of my chem stuff so I may not be able to do all of it. Luckily, I just found a periodic table with my bio stuff. Ok, question 1. First, to find the weight in grams that a mole of an element is, it's the same as that elements atomic weight. So for NH3 it would be 14+3x1=17g/mole. So take 62.1/17=3.653, and that's how many moles you've got. For question 2, start out the same way. One mole of F2 is 38g (because the atomic weight of fluorine is 19, then times 2). 13.7/38=.361 moles. One mole is equal to 6.02x10^23 of anything - molecules in this case. So times .361 to 6.02x10^23 and you get 2.173x10^23, the number of molecules of F2 that you have. For question three, we shall again consult our lovely periodic table. % composition is based on atomic weight I believe, so we'll find the weight of these two elements, N and H. Nitrogen has a weight of 14 amu (atomic m units,,,that's the unit it's in on the periodic table right? regardless, these are the numbers). and hydrogen's is just 1. Now times by how many atoms of each element are present to get 28 for N and 4 for H, making a total of 32. Next get percents for each, by dividing the individual weight of the element by the total. 28/32 is 87.5% for nitrogen and 4/32 is 12.5% for hydrogen. Question 4 is basically question 3 in reverse - start with out percents and work backwards. (I'm rounding numbers a little as I go, so if your teacher requires you to be more precise you may have to crunch some numbers again yourself). The weight of silver is 107.87 amu, phosphorus is 30.97 and oxygen is 16. This would be easier with a given molar m...I've got an answer, but it was mainly guess and check, so I won't bother walking you through all the work. I just experimented a little with various numbers of moles of each element till I found ones that fit the equation. Not too hard to do if you're handy with a calculator. Here's the answer I got Ag3PO4 (make all the numbers subscripts). I'm fairly certain that works. Question 5, you just need to know that empirical formulas are the simplest possible, so it's a general formula that can fit many different compounds. I won't go into further detail there, if you don't understand that already ask your teacher or a clmate. The weight of C2H3O2 is 59. The weight your compound should be is 119 (these numbers don't fit exactly, but it's close enough you can tell. Something must have been rounded a little, though C,H, and O all have weights quite close to the simple numbers I used). Do 119/59 and you get approximately 2. So that means the molecular formula for your compound is twice the empirical formula given - just multiply everything by two, giving you C4H6O4. I just checked and you've already got an answer that went over all your questions, so I won't go over question 6. I'm going to post the rest of this anyways though, just since I took the time to type it out; maybe it'll help, and if not I can't see how it'll hurt

Why is my computer typing in red and crossing out words?

I need quick help, I accidentally touched some sort of combination of ons that is making any text I type in a very important doent, in red underlined text. If i try to delete something it will just cross out the word with a line through it and turn it read. Help Please ! :(

Why do the umpires in the AFL make such crap decisions?

2 poor goal line decisions at the swans game on Saturday nite - both were incorrect and cost both teams

Why do some thunderstorm winds spread out in all directions while others do not?

there have been days when a thunderstorm would move in from the southwest. the winds would go calm, and then as the gust front ped through the winds picked up out of the southwest, and of course got stronger in the storm and the core. on the backside the winds shifted to the northeast but not as strong. Other times the winds blow from the southwest throughout the whole storm. what causes these factors to happen?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Who do you believe has so far been the most influential human in history?

Alexander the Great, who carried Hellenistic culture to a huge part of the world. And remember he started out as ruler of a tiny little kingdom in the Balkans. I can't think of anyone else who, through sheer force of will, changed history as much as he did.

Martha Stewart!!! how I hate you? ?

If you watch the Animaniacs on a Tuesday in Texas while juggling naked will Martha Stewart smack you?

Chemistry Help ... Periodic Table?

it is liquid so that means it is mobile and can flow. so the electricity can flow through it. unlike a solid, where it is very hard.

Im pregnant n just got sick....can i take anything?

Hey, I'm 16 close to 17 weeks pregnant. N I always had. A congested nose in the mornings so I never payed any attention at it n I just woke up super sick, stuffed nose and sore throat. I feel horrible... is there anything I can take that wont harm my baby?.......plz help

Which 3 RB's should I start?

Barber, Bush and Sproles. Barber will find any way to score a TD in a game. Bush will start this weekend due to injuries to Fargas and McFadden. LT will probably have the best game of this year so far because he knows that if he does not perform soon he will never find his groove, but Sproles will have some good amount of field play and get a lot of total purpose yards.

I married a man in bangladesh by phone, can i apply for him for immigrant visa?

I would not say anything about the phone! Even if your marriage is genuine saying it was by phone makes it lose credibility. I am not here to judge whether your marriage is genuine or not.

Will Your Vote Be Bold Or Sold ?

Would you be bold enough to vote for your candidate even if they are not a media front runner? Or will you just go along with the crowd and vote for a candidate with more media attention? One of the reasons I ask is how many of you heard of Obama a year ago? All of a sudden he is a serious candidate for president? How many of you have heard of Mitt Romney a year ago? Are you really voting for what you want or what you are served?

Political Unity My ***..........''PUMA'' Do you think ?

I totally agree. I think Hillary is a bitter women... I voted for Hillary but she lost. The elections are too important to vote for McCain out of spite like some people. Hillary supports should stand by Obama for the better of the Party. Hillary lost and she should get over it.

Am I good at raping?Check diss rap out I made (its not fully done).?

When I'm here your *** is sheting,couze I got my hands all about my ******* gun.And my gun will leave yo *** done plus I'll nock you the **** out.Go against my brain I aint down for shet.Bich you ****** wit the divel gangsta.We mad for pac,we all know who did it.After 9 shots Curtis goes 50.I'll ****** smoke hiphop tower exept demaya (haha).We now shorty got nocked,I aint gono tell nowbody your a .I'm back from my ghetto harder than ever,I'm bouncen plus doing my thing.I started going for the west I ****** dat bich.From the south side I walk around like I got an S on my chest.Girl first we get da singing,then we get the hompen,after dat I got her doing .Fo'no reason I'm always down to bust a white boys head all the time.When you break my shet,then you know me.Thinking I wont touch yaaa haaa yo *** in the wheelchair.I got the power fom the west side towor's.Bich you know me,the crazy I am to bust your brain.

Where to get snowboard waxings in Sacramento?

I need to get it hot waxed but I cannot do it myself. I am aware REI and Ground Zero does it, but is there anywhere else?

What can I do to stop my boxer from chewing on everything?

Bitter apple spray is used for ferrets but I used it on my dog before and it worked great. Just spray onto whatever he is chewing on. Also anything super spicy and hot put into a water bottle and watered down is great as well. Just make sure not to get it into your pets eyes.

What do u think of this team?

this is a great team, not much power but good speed and obp, pitchers are awesome, shouldnt have a problem with pitching, i would get more power for your HR and RBI

What is the BIG controversy between American's and the British?

You really shouldn't take Y!A so seriously. There are so many people who are here just to stir things up. Myself and most other Americans I know have no problem with the Brits. And from what I've heard, it's the same for the Brits.

How do you write "Welcome Home Sara" in Arabic?

My cousin is currently on a trip to Germany. It's her first trip over seas and she is w/out her fam(also a first), so we want to give her a big surprise welcome when she gets home. She is half Italian and half Lebanese and I am full Italian, which is why I can't write in Arabic myself. Anyways, I am in charge of the cake, and since Sara is starting to learn Arabic, I know she would love it if I could get this on a cake. Please HELP!! (:

What does it mean when your crush smiles and stares at you?

Considering the way he's smiling at you, I would say he's in the very early stages of liking you. If you like him back, smile back at him and say hi or make small talk when you guys meet in the hall.

So how about heaven's gates after the rapture?

You freaking idiot Harold Camping! You are a disappointment to your Christian followers. I hope they realize what a dumb mistake they've made convincing that the end is near Hmmmm.. MY ***! I hope all the angry Christians will turn their back on you and demand refunds!!!!!!

Do you really think they are giving up on Tebow, and thinking taking a QB in first couple rounds?

I really think taking one in the first round is just a smoke screen, but could they take one in the second like a Mallet, Locker, Ponder, Dalton, or Kaepernack. As a Bronco fan I'm not a huge believer in Tebow, but i would hate for them to already throw in the towel on the 25th overall pick before he gets a chance. They have so many other needs I would like to see them address them give Tebow a shot this year see what he can do. If he can't play then draft a QB next year. As much as I'm not a huge Tebow fan he does show alot of mossy and improved, and was better than I thought. Does he look great no, but we don't need him to be great yet, lets throw him in the fire and see what he does. If improves as much this year as he did last year maybe you have something. We already have nothing to show for our 4 first round picks the last couple of years so lets try to salvage something out them.

WHY doesn't Microsoft respond to the many many Video card failures brough about with the 64 bit system upgrade?

I feel your pain. I updated vista on my laptop and I lost my audio capability. When I download any audio drivers, they won't install because I "do not have an audio device." Basically, I just restored my system back to factory settings and updated to a point I felt wouldn't cause this problem. Although my problem is different from yours, I feel if you restore your system to an older restore point or reinstall windows and do not install this year's updates, you'll fix the problem just like I did.

In Seattle, can you recommend a reasonably priced bistro or cafe or cafe/bakery?

volunteer park cafe (capitol hill), louisa's cafe bakery (eastlake), kingfish cafe (capitol hill), dahlia bakery (downtown)

Stanford Mascot Origins?

So the Stanford mascot is the tree, right? Does anyone know what kind of tree this is supposed to be? I was thinking about referencing the "Tree" in an application essay for Stanford, but wanted to know a bit more about it first... thanks!

Will any Panthers make the Pro Bowl?

or even better, will any be All Pro. I'm likin Steve Smith, DeAngelo Williams, Brad Hoover, John Kasay(no miss field goals), and Jon Beason. maybe Julius Peppers. I know all of them wont make it but will any

Please help me with my science homework, I'm DESPERATE!!!!!?

If both of them are Py heterozygous, then there will be a 25% chance of PP dominant, 50% chance of Py dominant, and 25% chance of yy reccesive. Those would be the different genotypes. The phenotypes would be 75% P dominant, and 25% y reccesive.

Is it legal for an employer to make you participate in Christmas activities against your will in CA?

My husbands job made him dress up like Santa Claus to entertain children without his permission, and against his will. Is that legal?

Would you rather drink Chernobyl bottled water or the water from Walmart? ?

I just read that and it's terrorifing as people think their getting mountain spring water ' when all there getting is water without the sludge and that's not too good as that crap is $1.99 a bottle.Where i live there are things in the water so i boil it and strain it and i live right in the city..Jeez What's wrong with that picture.No wonder i never get completely well as my son and i are always fighting flu's cold' bronchitis and pneumonia..Maybe i'll have to drive to Mount Rainer and get my own damn water in 5 gallon jugs' but it will cost $20 bucks to get in the mountain gate. lol

Is it unusual if I don't particularly like people, but...?

Hmm. Are you trying to say you don't like hypocrites? Self righteous people who think they have a right to judge others when they themselves are not perfect either? No one like them. Ignore them. You have better thing to do.

What is CYBER CORRIDOR all about?

pgma has been talking bout it.. any help regarding this issue? im not really sure what it is....thanks anyway/

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do you think JD from scrubs is good looking?

a href=",r:2,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

Cant find Band Radio 103.6 on my phone.?

On the internet I found really amazing radio station which I really love, is Bang Radio 103.6. I've been trying to find it on my mobile phone radio but when I go on 103.6 some next Turkish Radio comes up and is really driving me mad and crazy. When im always out in town I wanna lisen to it but this freakin Turkish Radio. Could some one help me please? If something I got Sony Ericsson W850i. And below there is a link for the Bang Radio online . If you know anything please email me on my msn with your name please. Thank You. Hope you can help me. Xx

Is $68 a good price for 3 pairs of boots & a pair of flats?

That's a really good price :D Personally for boots I like the brown or black, and maybe chestnut. For the flats, the purple is cute. Have fun!

Can someone help my think of a cool gym name Please!!!?

Ok, I am opening a gym where we are going to do kickboxing boxing mma sambo fitness etc. We want to think of a cool clever easy name that is really appealing to every type of person does not exclude any women or children or hard core fighters. Anything that starts with an A or Z woud be cool to cause those are my intials. Thanks!!

Countdown Quiz UK Jeffery annoying?

Is Jeffery the current champion the most annoying person that has ever been on the show? I have been watching for about 20 years and cannot remember one more annoying.

Can You Wake Up To Wherever You Are?

huh?! oooh i love this song...the lysics mean nothing to me though ^_^ music is just jusic to me...the tune is what creates the emotions the lyrics mean nothing

Is this a good way to tell hubby I'm ready to start trying for a baby?

I think that is an amazing idea. If i had the money i would to do that for my fiance after we get married in May, but im poor lol. Go for it, keep it a surprise for sure!

Lesbains?????? what do you think?

Get her alone, or catch her when she's walkin by herself and just give her your number, and tell her to text you.

Surname of anygrandsons of Mary Boleyn?

I'm writing a short story and I really need it. There's a girl who always brags boast about she was the granddaughter of Mary Boleyn and related to Edward VII. Surname help please!

Do bras prevent from getting saggy ?

I have big seize DD and wear seldom a bra and they are still ok , not saggy and nice to look at , I get compliments from both male and female . I've heard repeatedly by women I know going without a bra cause them to get saggy , but it sounds like a product of confirmation bias to me. Is there supporting evidence for the claim that if you don't wear a bra you should expect saggier s at old age? My mom is 60 and has nice firm and never worn a bra .. :)

How to fix sd card slot from an improper eject?

have the newest mac book pro and i was doing a project. i put the camera's sd card in the sd card slot and then removed it accidentally with out ejecting by dragging it into the eject icon. so i tried a bunch of different sd cards and none of them work so how do i fix it.

My dad is being a jerk ever sense you got a gf what should i do?

Ever sense my dad got a girl friend he has been a jerk its like she is all he cares about. He claims they are getting married. I told him i hate him for moving on from my mom to here withing 6 mos then he said likewise. Please someone tell me what to do its like i dont know my dad anymore...

What could happen here?? please help.

Yes he can sue. In the USA you can sue anyone for anything. Winning the suit is another thing. If Grandma was in good mental condition when she had the will drawn up, and she had it witnessed and notarised,he might have trouble breaking it. Lawyers love stuff like this, they end up with most of the money,and the family ends up with lots of hard feelings. Good Luck.

Has anyone bought the Mayan Countdown indie game from XBox 360? I'm wondering what comes after drinking straw?

This is the worst game ever...but so bad its good...just wanna know if spending a buck to buy it will make it even more awfulsome (awful + awesome). Thanks!

I really like her but she has a boyfriend :( HELP!?


Does calcium sandoz intake helps to gain weight?

I am 5'4" and was weighing 58 kgs. I have started taking calcium sandoz for last 2 weeks and now my weight is 60 kgs. I am worried as I dont know how to loose now.....

Am I Pregnant? Brown Bleeding..Heat Flashes..Back Aches and Head Aches..Pregnant?

Hi im Carmen and Well My best friend and her boyfriend recently had unprotected almost two weeks ago....we both know it's a little early but just 5 or 6 day's after they had ual she started to experience some brown bleeding that lasted for about 3-6 day's, it was also lighter than most of her menstrual cycles. And then At the beginning of the week started having crazy hot flashes all day long some head aches and back pain it's been about 2 weeks now. How long should she Waite before she takes an HPT test && Can anyone help with our concerns about what's been going on. Thanks will really appreciate the help. =]

Does anyone know the title of the song by hank williams jr. that goes:?

not sure but they might be in the song Bluesman by Hank Jr. talkin bout being the son of a bluesman....Don

Why does being black mean standing by everything wrong?

I agree!!! But see, same thing happens with other races as well. Not only blacks. You just have to learn to deal with it. And just try to live your life as best as you can! Who cares about other races. I don't!!

I am unhappy at work and my performance has decreased - how do I do better until I find another job?

I am in a job right now that I really dislike. I have been there for 2 years and I am looking for another one. Trouble is, I am working for a younger woman (I am 33 and she is 25) who is a work-aholic and annoying ms. perfect (the kind that never admits to be imperfect or making mistakes!! ew!). I have been so unhappy that my work has been really poor lately -- i have trouble concentrating and caring. this is NOT like me -- as every previous employer raves about my work. I need to find a way to focus and be positive until I can find something else. How do I do this?

Western women, why do you want to "liberate" me?

I do not think there should be law that woman can not cover her face if she chooses nor should there be a law that she must. But if you choose cover your face, do claim you have a right to do anything that would not be permitted if someone was wearing a ski mask. Do not drive a car, or go to a bank, or anywhere people are required to produce a picture ID and no one will bother you in the US

What's up with everyone wanting to let their pets go?

Yes it is horrible, I live in Florida and actually live in a town that has nile monitors and it is truly affecting the borrowing owl which is sad. I have yet to see one in the wild but it seems that I am seeing less of the owls. It is horrific that there are irresponsible pet owners letting their pets go into the the Everglades there are anacondas and pythons that if they are not attempting to eat the alligators they are competition for their food but a good thing is that they are trapping them and watching out for the jerks that are releasing them....there are also a large population of black iguanas on a nearby island and they are going to capture thousand and euthanize about the nile monitors it is suspected that they were actually bred in the wild but the population got out of control.....of course the problem is not just here in Florida there are other fish, snakes and reptiles being let loose all over the country sometimes wiping out the local ponds and lakes and so on....I agree with you it is horrible and sadly there is not enough control on exotic pets as there should be. You will never here them say have your snake spayed or neutered.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Worried and confused to the extreme? ?

During the weekend, I went to a movie and bumped into this super cute guy. My friends we being freaks and trying to wipe popcorn er all over my face. I took a step back, and fall right into him he caught me. I went to sit with my friends when I saw him walk in. He smile at me then went to find a seat. I followed him. When I sit next to him he asked if I was with anyone here. I said my friends. Then I tool my phone out to text them. They said it was cool. After the movie I gave the guy my number. Then Monday came. I saw him sitting all alone in the gr reading. I was about to walk over to him, when my fired yell led stop. Then she told I couldn't hang out with him. I asked why. She told me because he is a freak. I friend get what she Kent by that. Later that day my other best friend that is a guy. Walked up to the cute boy and told him to leave me alone. He the cute boy asked why? They my friend throw a punch at him. The cutie just took it and all the kicks. I saw him laying there. I freaked out when he didn't get up. I started to stoke his face. when he saw me he looked afraid. I told him not to worry. That nobody would hurt him anymore. Then my best friend the guy came over and told me to leave the freak. I asked why and he said that the kid was about to die from an illness. That's why everyone hates him. I know I can't get to attached to him. He might die. I asked him out to go to the carnival on Sunday. He went with me. We had a blast until my friend showed up. He started to beat. I called the police now my friend is in jail. The cutie had to calm me down. Now I am afraid. His parents bailed him out. My cute knight can't save me. I want to be his friend at school too, but that would make me an outcast. What path should I take?

What do you think is the most or one of the most underrated feuds in WWE history?+BQ?

it is definately underrated i think he should be the one to bring back the crusierweight championship

2003 Ford Focus Brake Light Issue?

The left and right have tail as well as brake but the third light is supposed to be brake ONLY. If it's coming on with the tail lights you have a wiring problem somewhere.

What is a cute way to ask your boyfriend to sadies?

If you can do it quick enough to get away with it, write it in sidewalk chalk on his porch or driveway, then ring his doorbell and run away. It's kinda juvenile, but I think it's cute. You could write it inside a hockey stick or something, to make it hockey-like

Wives would you be upset if your husband didnt recognize you on imp.dates?

When my hyusband and I were dating he bought me flowers and cards for no reason now we are married and its like he doesnt care anymore. I dont expect alot but a card means more to me than a gift. I have been a stay at home mom for 6 years our agreement and he wont buy me anything for special dates b/c I dont. Well he wont let me he says he makes the money and he isnt buying his own gift. I am a faithful wife of 9 years,good mother,take care of the home and errands and go out of my way to meet his needs and its like it doesnt matter. I feel as if I am being punished b/c I am not bringing in money. I babysit part-time making only 30.00 a week. I am doing it to help a friend not to get rich. Anyway my husband bought me a ring for x-mas and I have to pay him back. I told him if I was Carmen Electra thats who he says he would leave me for that he wouldnt make her pay him back yeah I know she is rich but what if she were me and was a stay at home mom. I am hurt that he doesnt take special dates important wouldnt you be hurt as well if your husband didnt recognize you fro iomportant dates?

Which bird name is best?

I am adopting a green cheek conure tomorrow and I'm getting ideas on names. I have narrowed it down to Chika, Calypso (nicknamed Caly), Kirby, and Ollie. The gender of the bird is unknown. Please do not suggest any more names. I wrote down over 30 names and narrowed it to four so that would just mess it up if I like it.

Is this safe????????????

my bf has given oral to one other girl, he said it lasted only a few seconds (idk how tru that is) but he was the first one to ever give her and she was the first girl he ever did it to. theres been noone since her and i was wondering if that was both their first times, and both are virgins, is there any way if he gives me oral i could catch anything?

Big (fake) gles?

A dollar store, spencers.... and costume store (Fun Party store....ect.) Pretty much anywhere that sells gag gifts or costumes

After all this Moss Drama, who do you the Patriots will Draft in 2011..?

Smooth obviously doesn't get it. With the new bargain agreement next year, rookies aren't going to be able to demand an insane amount of money. IT will be set in stone. As for predicting players, it's too early to say exactly who they draft, but the bulk of those picks will go to defense. Perhaps a 2nd and a 3rd may go to the likes of Vincent Jackson or even Steve Smith of Carolina.

What is she going to do!?!?

If she was my daughter I would say you were too old also! Maybe you need to let her parents get to know you! xox

What are some of the best offline co-op xbox 360 games?

Call of duty world at war Is co-op, and call of duty modern warfare 2 has a thing called special ops which is practically made for co-op.

Negative pregnancy test at 7dpo with early 10 miu test strips?

Has anyone had a negative and took the test a few days later to get a BFP? Also I should mention I used early afternoon urine. I want to find out the average dpo that woman get a bfp using these specific test strips. Thanks so much!

Where can I buy a guitar in bangkok?

I will be going to Bangkok soon and wanted to buy a guitar from there. My hotel would be around the tourist areas. Was wondering which brand I should get and the price of one(in Thai baht please)

Are there any movies with ASL (sign language) as primary communication?

There is a man living in a group home that is deaf and non-verbal; he is also illiterate, so he cannot read closed captioning. He saw a commercial the other day where people were signing and he went nuts, he was so excited! I would love to find a movie where there is sign communication for him to watch. Does anything like this exist?

For Backyard, Indy or Wrestlers In Training Ft BQ

My friend tried out and was told that he was awful and should give it up, but there was a girl who was told she was a natural, and apparently she is a champion somewhere now

What is the strangest question you have been asked at a job interview?

The question wasn't strange, it was illegal. They asked my religion! I was ok that's unprofessional. I didn't say that but I wish I had. They only asked me that because they saw that one of my jobs was at a church at a day care. Just because I worked at this church doesn't mean I went there to worship you know? Just goes to show how careless and idiotic some employers are.